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San Fratello, one of the most unique places in the world!

This is the birthplace of San Benedetto il Moro and home of the Sanfratellano horse. It is the treasure chest of some of the most beautiful, mysterious and ancient Sicilian folk traditions, such as the rites of Holy Week with the presence of the Jews and the use of an ancient Gallo-Italian language.

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​Inside we can admire:

  • entering on the right you see the statue of St. Joseph with the Child Jesus in his arms;

  • opposite the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which in ancient times, during the years of struggle between the two main parishes (San Nicolò and Santa Maria Assunta) was brought to procession;

  • further on in the centre, on the right, is the marble statue of the Virgin Mary from the school of Gaggini with the child in her arms (ppresent in all the convents of the Friars Minor).

  • Frontally there is the Crucifix carried in procession on Good Friday recovered between le of the ancient Church of Santa Maria after the landslide of 1922;

  • on the left, in front of the altar, there is the statue of the Madonna del latte, in white marble in the act of offering the breast to the child;

  • in front on the right the statue of San Benedict the Moor; the relics of San Benedetto il M are kept in the chapel of the Churchgold "Protector of San Fratello" and of the Three Saints Alfio, Filadelfio and Cirino "Patron saints of the city". 

Al centro, frontalmente, si trova il Crocifisso portato in processione il Venerdì Santo, un'antica reliquia recuperata dalle rovine dell'antica Chiesa Santa Maria dopo la frana del 1922. Questo crocifisso ha un grande significato religioso per la comunità e viene venerato con profonda devozione durante le celebrazioni pasquali.


A sinistra dell'altare, si erge la statua della Madonna del latte, in marmo bianco, nell'atto di porgere la mammella al bambino Gesù, simbolo di maternità e amore materno. Di fronte, sulla destra, si trova la statua di San Benedetto il Moro, patrono della città, venerato per la sua santità e il suo esempio di vita cristiana.

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Furthermore you can admire:

  • the statue of San Biagio,

  • that of San Filadelfio;

  • the ancient statue of San Benedetto formerly kept in the convent of Santa Maria di Gesù.

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