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Ermenegildo Latteri, to whom the San Fratello Museum is entitled, was a hero of the Italian Risorgimento, who died for the patriotic ideals that led, in 1861, to the unification of the nation.


The Ethnohistorical Anthropological Museum of the Nebrodi culture is the result of a study and an enhancement project pursued for years by prof. Salvatore Mangione.


In the exhibition halls, created inside the centenarian houses of the Diecimila Martiri district, it is possible to rediscover different expressions of peasant culture; the forms of craftsmanship, such as the working of iron, wood, stone, women's crafts, antique furniture, tools and utensils of collective interest.


One room is dedicated to the rites of Holy Week with the characteristic Jews, a room is then dedicated to the cult of black saints in Sicily and in particular to San Filippo d'Agira, San Calogero, San Cono da Naso, San Benedetto il Moro da San Brother and to the Madonna del Tindari.

Finally, two houses were set up, furnished according to the uses and customs of the year one thousand.

Infine, il museo ospita anche due abitazioni ricostruite e arredate secondo gli usi e i costumi dell'anno mille, offrendo ai visitatori un'esperienza autentica del passato e della vita quotidiana dell'epoca.

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