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The popular religious festival probably dates back to medieval times and takes place during Holy Week, in particular on Wednesday, Thursday and Good Friday.

For San Fratello, Easter is certainly the richest week in events and emotions, where traditions are still respected and carried forward with great passion by the entire population and not just by those who dress up.

This festival attracts numerous tourists from the surrounding area and from every part of Italy and the world due to its singularity, for the involvement, for the devotion and for the millenary tradition, which goes on with great success, also thanks to the young people who are committed with passion so that this is not lost.

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The Jew is not simply a folkloric character, as many think, but he is the main characteristic and the main attraction for the particularity and for the sacred and profane meaning of this ancient tradition that is handed down from father to son, from generation to generation.

Every Jew carefully and jealously preserves his clothing which according to tradition for centuries has been made up of:

  • "LA GIUBBA", red jacket meticulously decorated with beads, sequins with sacred and non-sacred images, and has shoulder pads with fringes,

  • "L CHIAUZZI", red trousers with sequins; a ponytail is attached to the back of the trousers, as if to recall the diabolical nature of the Jews, a people considered for centuries "deicides" by Catholic doctrine.

  • "I QUAZZUAI", shorts of red muslin with stripes of another color, usually yellow;

  • "U SBIRRIJAN", a red hood on which the cross symbol is shown above an external black leather tongue, and finally a long ponytail that reaches the feet which represents a symbol of strength;

  • "SCHIARPI D ' PIAU", Shoes of bovine leather or of raw leather or fabric;

  • "LA D'SCPLINA", made up of large-mesh chains and ancient coins, which the Jew waves to create havoc with his left hand:

  • "L' ELMOTT", a metal helmet decorated to your liking with glitter and bright colors;

  • "LA TRUMA", a military trumpet with which the Jew proudly performs during the days in which the celebration is held.

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