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This type of so local breeds often have a history of great harmony with the local people and it is precisely the case of this Sanfratellano, an animal linked to the people of San Fratello, a Gallo-Italic alloglot linguistic island which over the years, or rather say over the centuries, has been able to develop a breed whose strength, physique, resistance and even frugality we can admire today.


According to the most accredited hypotheses, the Sanfratellano horse is a descendant of the oriental horses that were imported into this area around the 10th century by the Arabs.

This horse is still raised and cared for today by local breeders, but many specimens live in the wild right inside the Nebrodi Mountains.

He has an athletic and rather lean physique, has a rather muscular structure, with a straight profile with short but robust and slightly sloping shoulders.


The Breed is subject to "research and studies" undertaken in particular by the Experimental Zootechnical Institute for Sicily in Palermo.

​The National Association of the Sanfratellano horse was also established thanks to the Regional Breeders Association of Palermo.

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In Autumn, the Municipality of San Fratello, in collaboration with the regional councilors and the

Trade associations, organizes a market exhibition with the aim of enhancing the Sanfratellano horse breed and making it known at a regional, national and international level. A jury of experts evaluates the performances and technical specifications of each specimen entered in the equine show, choosing from hundreds of foals, stallions and mares.

The visitors who flock to the Sanfratellano Horse Market Exhibition every year in the Passo dei Tre district are not only able to admire the horse in its natural habitat, but are entertained with various collateral initiatives, such as tastings of typical products and conferences. The Sanfratellano Horse Competition Market Exhibition is scheduled for Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September.

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