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The Feast of the Three Patron Saints Alfio, Filadelfio and Cirino occurs, as per tradition, on 10 May and takes place with the massive participation of devotees, who from the town reach the Sanctuary located on the top of Monte Vecchio di San Fratello, preceded by the characteristic horse ride in honor of the Holy Martyrs.

Not far from the urban center, there is Monte Vecchio, on whose summit stood the ancient Sicilian-Greek city of Apollonia. An excavation campaign has been started on the site, on the top of Monte Vecchio there is a beautiful Norman complex dedicated to the Three Saints

Martyrs Brothers: Alfio, Filadelfio and Cirino. Built at the behest of Count Roger I, it consists of a church with a single nave and the transept with three small apses

La Festa dei Tre Santi Patroni è quindi un momento di profonda spiritualità e radicamento culturale per la comunità di San Fratello, che si riunisce per onorare e celebrare la memoria di questi santi martiri, testimoniando così la propria fede e devozione attraverso secoli di tradizione e storia.

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