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The Maria SS delle Grazie Church, small but of great artistic value, stands at the northern entrance to the town at the center of a scenic knoll supported by a high stone wall abutting SS 289. The two roads that contain it to the highway make it look like a rest stop for the soul.

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The church was built around 1600 and used (at the behest of Alfio Rizzo) as a shelter for the elderly, guests of the many small cells obtained in the two additional lateral bodies, which later became the seat of hermits. 

The inside of the church is rectangular with two side altars dedicated to S. Caterina da Siena and S. Luigi

Gonzaga; at the end a small chapel with golden designs houses the statue of Maria Santissima delle Grazie


Its interior is a late Baroque style marble and stucco embroidery, a polychrome marble balustrade divides the apse area from that reserved for the faithful. 

Canvases, sacred furnishings and period paintings cover the walls, of great artistic importance is the simulacrum of Maria SS delle Grazie.

The statue of the virgin placed on the main altar was donated by a rich Santagatese family in 1694.

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